Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Writing Response

Good Morning!

We'll be reading, as usual.

Goal #1: Revision
While some of you may have gotten good advice from some of your peers yesterday, we need to take a step back and work in smaller steps.

Today, you will work with partners. You should all be with new people. With these partners:

  1. One person will read their personal statement to their partner.
  2. The listener identifies at least one piece of praise, one question, and one wish about the reader's personal statement.
  3. Trade roles.
  4. After this process, I will give you all a copy of the rubric. Identify where your partner falls in each category on the rubric, and give some suggestions for how your partner could improve their score. I would recommend trading computers so that you don't have to worry about sharing it with them. 

Goal #2: Reflection 

When you return to your seats, after you've put your netbooks away, I have a small piece of reflective writing to ask of you. I will give you paper.
  1. What worked well and what didn't work well in today's process of peer editing (being assigned a partner, reading, sharing suggestions, looking at the rubric)
  2. What is working/not working in your personal statement?
  3. What is your plan for fixing/improving upon those issues?

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